
Showing posts from July, 2019


TROY THE WORLD CREATING OF THE VERY DIAGNOSTIC DIGITAL TROY is the world’s first full personal currency for cash and non-cash payments, backed by gold, and modern infrastructure that is convenient to use based on blockchain technology.  in general, analogues are legal, independent, modern from existing Central Banks and infrastructure is being made. All Golden infrastructure will strive to ensure that the user has a condition where he will be indifferent from the point of view of functionality, in what currency to save his money.  and if so, then, considering the benefits of Gold, the most reliable and useful for users is saving money in Gold, which is not subject to national risk and inflation. how it works TROY Has Three Products:  Our Cryptocurrency, EMAS SELECT Token  Our Gold Products, we will make from gold supplied by Bullseye Mining Limited which our customers can purchase using the TASY EMAS Token  Our Secure Digital Vau...


Smathium Taking the New Level Loyalty Award Program SMATHIUM is a Centralized, Fidelity Application (dApp) platform where all businesses can create their own loyalty rewards program that is supported by a token and ecosystem that allows retailers to appreciate customer acquisition, friend invitations and other customizable transactions with crypto-currency.  This has value for clients because they accept for their purchase of cards based on liquid Ethereum, which can be exchanged for purchases or transferred to another crypto wallet.  Chip prices are also set for development because of our exclusive business model so that these awards can increase in value over time, rather than end. A new but innovative loyalty program has now been offered by SMATHIUM, giving traders great new ways to maintain their customer loyalty and grow more sales.  By using cryptocurrency, SMATHIUM and its SMT token will be valuable prizes that will not expire but increase in val...

WANT Marketplace

WANT Marketplace Become part of the global market for global B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C e-commerce Hello everyone, this new post I want to present in a very interesting and good project called “I want the market”, for more detailed information, let’s move on to the next discussion: WANT Marketplaces manages global ecosystems B2B, B2C, O2O, hyper C2C local networks, social networks, private groups, and secure messages based on search engines, shopping, relational images, voice and text search engines. The project will receive revenue, charging users fees.  In the B2B segment, packages that provide a verified buyer and seller database cost $ 1999, and users will also pay $ 99 a month to pay for the message.  In the US, the package price will be $ 999, in India – $ 199. Users will also pay 3% commission on all sales.  The project team conducts seminars and training in Asian countries to train entrepreneurs to connect to the Internet and list items in their stores. ...


Storichain platform that explores and develops “stories” as a type of intellectual property What is the history of this industry? This refers to the media industry based on stories such as films, dramas and web cartoons.  The role of the distributor in the modern story industry is positive in the sense that it is responsible for efforts aimed at giving the end user the optimal benefits of secondary work. However, what benefits did the screenwriter get from the 10 million film shows?  How much do ordinary readers benefit from reading and answering original novels?  How often is “excess income” shared with the original author when the original story is sold as a secondary copyright? Storichain   is a project that provides partially decentralized dApp applications and general protocols to solve story industry problems using blockchain characteristics.  The “story industry” refers to industries that use “stories” as the source of their products and...