

Global Pioneer of Cryptocurrency Payments

Alchemy  is a leading cryptocurrency payment solution and technology provider in Asia Pacific that empowers online and offline merchants with fast, safe and convenient hybrid crypto-fiat hybrid payment systems and solutions.
Speculative chemistry is a major provider of payment and innovation agreements in the field of digital money in the Asia-Pacific region, which attracts a combination of cryptocurrency platforms and agreements to work on the Internet and different suppliers quickly, safely and profitably.
The concept of Alchemy Global Payment Solutions Limited (Alchemy is a trademark of Alchemy Global Payment Solutions Limited, while ACH is a token provided by Alchemy and used as a brief summary below), is to provide open source protocols and rapid promotion of goods. stages for biological system accomplices to help them with a fast, secure, useful, adaptable and fast-growing global payment mechanism, taking into account decentralization, skilled agreements and coordinating tools from blockchain innovation.
Thanks to the rich interaction of Alchemy and his friendly partners in portable payment applications, this group will definitely lead innovative payment business applications during the blockchain period and will use a mechanism where routine payments are known by dealers.
Alchemy  Global Payment Solutions Limited’s vision  (  Alchemy  is the brand name of  Alchemy  Global Payment Solutions Limited while  ACH  is a Token issued by  Alchemy  , and is used as an abbreviation below.) Is to provide open source protocols and a fast product development platform for ecosystem partners to help them with a fast, secure, comfortable, flexible and fast-growing global payment solution based on decentralization, smart contracts, and consensus mechanisms from blockchain technology. Through Alchemy’s experiences  Wealthy and eco-partners in the mobile payment application, the team is sure to lead the payment industry technology application in the blockchain era and use solutions where traditional payments are popular with merchants.
We will provide articles to present the project ”  Alchemy  ” to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of getting a token or


Alchemy  envisions that supported by decentralization, smart contracts and consensus mechanisms from the blockchain,  Alchemy  will enable payment industry players to embrace a new era of payment technology by fully utilizing a series of open source protocols and open R&D platforms to improve efficiency across payment boundaries; to provide traders and customers with a faster, safer, more convenient and more flexible global payment solution.


Alchemy’s goal   is to design payment protocols through community consensus, to build a decentralized, trust-powered infrastructure, to accelerate the penetration of cryptocurrency into our daily lives; and most importantly, to return payment rights to traders, customers and the market

We have implemented the following technology and steps to achieve decentralization:

  1. Decentralized currencies
  2. Decentralized Technical Infrastructure
  3. Decentralization of Operational Mechanisms


Existing Electronic Payment Issues Existing electronic payments are controlled by a centralized industry giant, causing many problems such as complicated and opaque rules, discretionary rights, inefficient and high-cost dispute management, etc.

  1. Cross-border transactions are expensive and inefficient
  2. Production items
  3. A large number of transactions cannot proceed because there is no trust between the two parties, and the centralized giant does not provide collateral services and payment channels
  4. Opaque access rules for traders / consumers
  5. Serious security and privacy issues
  6. Long process of transaction disputes
  7. Complex reconciliation, settlement and clearing processes

Overall, the issue of existing blockchain payments can be roughly categorized into the following categories:

  1. Lack of basic payment functions for large scale commercial applications
  2. Lack of operational support systems needed by commercial applications
  3. Blockchain technology infrastructure issues

The  Alchemy  payment network solution for transnational centralized collection payment scenarios is:

  1. To facilitate this need, transnational companies open an  Alchemical  Hierarchy account. The accounts are then organized according to the company’s hierarchical architecture. The accounts of each level support sub accounts of various types (which are determined according to the needs of accounting subjects), for example to support the “parallel payment-collection” model (which is usually used in financial management of a group) then separate accounts for collection and payment can arranged for companies at every level.
  2. The account hierarchy supports a hierarchical authorization management model through which a higher level account manager can then set permissions for lower level account managers. For example, account permissions are limited to collection rather than payments, or to make limited payments for designated accounts.
  3. When accounts at all levels of the account hierarchy enable proactive collection permissions, accounts at higher levels can regularly do automatic collection to account for lower levels within a valid period. This explains how asset concentration is automatically achieved in a multi-level system.

Comparison of existing blockchain platforms

Payment is one of the popular application areas of the blockchain, and many innovative projects have emerged.

They can be roughly divided into the following categories:

  1. X-border remittances by working with traditional financial institutions: Ripple, Stellar; • Wallet issuers: Circle, Bitpay;
  2. Daily micro payment provider: Request, Nano;
  3. Agregator pengakuisisi Cryptocurrency: Coingate, Coinpayment, Pundix;
  4. Decentralized ecosystems for crypto currencies: COTI, Graft;
  5. Payment solution that focuses on unique use cases: Pumapay, uTrust

Technology Benefits

  1. The  alchemy payment consensus protocol  can be used on a variety of public blockchain, for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stellar, EOS, Vite, etc., And at the same time, integrating Layer 2 payment solutions including the Lightning Network, Raiden Network and Country Channel Network.
  2. Alchemy provides offline cryptocurrecline receiving solutions through smart POS and mobile devices,
    online cryptocurrency payment gateways, and
    fast access to various applications for online APIs, SDKs and mainstream plugins, for example, wordpress, magento, zencart, etc.
  3. Pioneering the PULLPAY protocol   in the payment industry: Supports the blockchain to re-authorize two payment methods –  PULLPAY  and the PULLPAY express network   – to meet the needs of various scenarios in online and offline subscription.
  4. Offers payment and settlement solutions from crypto to fiat and from fiat to crypto.
  5. Providing integrated solutions for the State Channel Network.
The table below refers to a comparison between Alchemy  Vs Existing Blockchain Payment Platform  Alchemy  focuses on providing payment protocols and an open source development platform that enables payment companies to adopt them with faster and more affordable services.

The ecosystem

Alchemy  has an extensive network of online and offline ecosystem partners that include payment companies, industry solution providers, developers, traders, etc. We work with our ecosystem partners to build and run our business model.

In what ways does the Alchemy payment system   represent a tokenized ecosystem?

  1. Based on the Alchemy consensus payment protocol   (  Alchemy  ), partners can offer merchants cryptocurrency bill payment solutions, including SDK, Plugin, API and / or Gateway (one-stop fast access).
  2. Supply and demand strategies based on the Alchemy quantitative transaction risk model   , real-time dynamic exchange rates, payments, currency conversions, and network mobility manage risks caused by large fluctuations in crypto currencies.
  3. Based on  Alchemy  , two-tier network expansion schemes such as Lightning Network and Raiden Network are integrated and optimized to compete with fiat payments, speed up payments and improve experience, and popularize cryptocurrency.
  4. Based on  Alchemy  , create a decentralized offline solution for interactions between fiat and cryptocurrency, and empower partners who have business networks / resources.
  5. Alchemy  can reward participants in its payment ecosystem by issuing and distributing tokens, which come from transaction profits and token reserves.

The experience of building an Alchemy  system is  divided into three stages:

  • Stage 1: Technical shock
  • Stage 2: The possibilities are endless
  • Stage 3: Focus and implementation

Business expansion

Alchemy is  working with ecosystem partners to launch applications gently in various scenarios, for example, the online entertainment industry, cross-border payments, offline payment receipt, etc., to test the  Alchemy business model and optimize  Alchemy’s  crypto payment solutions.

Token Alkimia

  • BUT
  •  ACH  Node and Benefit Node
  •  Use of  ACH

ACH Token Allocation

2.5 billion ACH tokens   will be released at the beginning and 1.8 billion will be locked. 5.1 billion ACH tokens   will be distributed to participants through a growing network and mining transactions. 6% of the total no. the token is locked in the Alchemy  payment network  as a lubrication to ensure ease of flow.

The actual distribution is found below:

  1. The  Alchemy Team  : 18%
  2. Personal placement and IEO: 18%
  3. Ecosystem Incentives: 5%
  4. Consultation Fee: 2%
  5. Network mobility: 6%
  6. Mining (prize payment): 51%

 ACH distribution

  • 6%: Network Mobility
  • 2%: Consultation Fee
  • 5%: Ecosystem Incentives
  • 18%: Alchemy Team 
  • 51%: Mining (Payment Payment)
  • 18%: Personal Placements & IEO

Funds Distribution

  1. R&D
  2. Security: 5%
  3. Policy: 10%
  4. Operation: 10%
  5. Marketing: 10%
  6.  Alchemy Fund  : 25%
Product Roadmap
Q1-Q3 2019
  • P1: Smart POS integration to accept payments in cryptocurrency
  • P2: Receipt of payment on the MVP Lightning Network
  • S1: Offline payment receipt solutions for cryptocurrency
  • S2: POC trader for receiving payments offline
Q4 2019
  • Q4: Magento, WordPress, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Opencart, Zencart, etc. Shopping Cart Payment Plugin
  • P5: PULLPAY V0.5
  • Q6: APPLICATIONS Purchasing Bitcoin P2P v0.5
  • S3: Merchant POC for online payments
  • S4: Online digital entertainment solution v1.0 released
Q1 2020
  • Q7: Alchemy Hub v0.5 released (supports Raiden Network and State Channel)
  • T8: Alchemy Hub APP V0.5 released (supports Raiden Network and State Channel)
  • Q9: APPLICATION Purchase Bitcoin P2P v1.0
  • Q10: PULLPAY V0.8
  • C1: Alchemy consensus protocol community working group is formed C2: Alchemy Consensus Protocol v0.5 released
Q2 2020
  • Q11: Alchemy Hub v1.0 released
  • T12: Alchemy Hub APP v0.5 released (supports PULLPAY)
  • P13: PULLPAY V1.0
  • S5: PULLPAY Solutions subscribe to digital digital entertainment
  • S6: POC Merchant for the PULLPAY solution to subscribe to digital digital entertainment
Q3 2020
  • Q14: Alchemy Hub v1.5 released
  • Q15: Alchemy Hub APP V1.5 released
  • Q16: PULLPAY V1.5
  • S7: Multinational centralized payment receipt solution
Q4 2020
  • Q17: Alchemy Hub v2.0 is released
  • Q18: Alchemy Hub APP v2.0 is released
  • Q19: PULLPAY V2.0
  • S7: Alchemy Consensus Protocol v1.0 released
Q1 2021
  • Working closely with business development, it continues to turn to related products, solutions and the Alchemy Consensus Protocol
Q1-Q3 2019
  • P1: Smart POS integration to accept payments in digital currency
  • P2: Receive payments on the MVP Lightning network
  • S1: stand-alone payment receipt solution for cryptocurrency
  • S2: POC trading to accept payments offline
Q4 2019
  • P4: Magento, WordPress, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Opencart, Zencart, dll.
  • P5: PULLPAY V0.5
  • Q6: APPLICATION for Purchasing Bitcoin P2P v0.5
  • S3: Trading POC for online payments
  • S4: Online Digital Entertainment Solution v1.0 Released
1st quarter of 2020
  • P7: Alchemy Hub v0.5 dirilis (Raiden Network dan State Channel support)
  • Q8: Alchemy Hub APP V0.5 application released (Raiden Network and State Channel support)
  • Q9: Bitcoin P2P Purchase Application v1.0
  • P10: PULLPAY V0.8
  • C1: Aligned Alchemy Protocol Community Working Group dibuat; C2: Alchemy Aligned Protocol v0.5 dirilis
Q2 2020
  • Q11: Alchemy Hub v1.0 released
  • Q12: Alchemy Hub APP v0.5 application released (PULLPAY support)
  • P13: PULLPAY V1.0
  • S5: Digital Online Subscription Solutions
    entertainment program PULLPAY
  • S6: POC Merchants for PULLPAY Digital Entertainment Digital Subscription Solutions
Q3 2020
  • Q14: Alchemy Hub v1.5 released
  • Q15: Alchemy Hub V1.5 Application Released
  • P16: PULLPAY V1.5
  • S7: Multinational Solutions for Centralized Payment Acceptance
4th Quarter 2020
  • Q17: Alchemy Hub v2.0 is released
  • Q18: Alchemy Hub APP v2.0 application released
  • P19: PULLPAY V2.0
  • S7: Alchemy Consensus Protocol v1.0 released
Q1 2021
  • Collaborate with business development, continuously repeating related products, solutions and the Alchemy Consensus Protocol


  • Patrick NGAN: CEO
  • Bean LIU: Partners / Project Management
  • Janet KIM: Mitra / Strategi
  • Sean SHI: Partner / Product
  • Lance XU: Partners / Operations

Technical Team:

  • Chuan Liang: Director of Payment Technology
  • Huarong NIU: Director of Communications Technology
  • Kai WANG: Blockchain Technology Director
  • KT SOH: Singapore Technology Team Leader
  • Ryan TIPONES: Meet Tim Technologist Philippines
  • Kim Aung Gan: Thailand Technology Team Leader

Business team:

  • Judy LI: Director of Strategy and Operations
  • Erica LAM: Director of Business Development
  • Angie LI, Head of North Asia
  • Glen LEONG: Head of Southeast Asia
  • John TAN: Main Account Manager

Consultants and investors:

  • Justin Jean: Big Data and Cryptography Scientist
  • Sean MOSS-PULTZ: Blockchain Security Scientist
  • Yang Mu: famous businessman
  • Sima Hinda Johnson: Blockchain Security Scientist
  • Natasha LV: Senior Compliance Specialist
  • Alan TIEN: Innovative Product Specialist
  • Kai Yee GOH: International money transfer expert
  • Lin LI: Strategic development specialist
For more information you can visit this link:
by ;mercivul


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