Blockchain was originally designed to reach consensus through full redundancy, storage replication and re-implementation of calculations at all nodes on their network. As we can expect from the theory (!), This results in an irreversible environment. Calculating the real world and giving a massive blockchain is impractical or even impossible.
The blockchain community has created a solution to create a technology-measured platform today. Blockchains scales interesting interesting specifically designed applications (DApps).
There are a number of   Layer-1 day Layer-1 scalability solutions  unique in development. The Layer-1 solution implements the basic level protocol of the blockchain itself. The Layer-2 solution uses smart counter for given placement and chainless computation. This solution brings promises and different moves that will provide an important role to play on the mass front of the blockchain technology.
However, even as this technology compilation is being developed, it's possible to see something missing. What we need is an updated infrastructure layer that connects blockchains and the real world.

Welcome to Cartesi! Adding to the essence of, and surpassing, Layer-2 scalability solutions, we provide infrastructure that provides blockchains with super powers to reach consensus on real-world computations that occur outside the chain.
Cartesi complements the security and economics of the blockchain, while allowing real-world computing tasks (intensive day!   Think of lots of data   ). With Cartesi, there is no need to depend on central authority, trusted third parties, or on the approval system, which is often vulnerable to   Sybil attacks   . Using Cartesi, DApp developers will be able to:
  • Write a program that can ensure the status of its implementation is approved and reproduced at various network nodes;
  • Rely on kinera approved off-chain (which GPUs can even support!)
  • Use whatever data source whatever size is needed;
  • Get consensus on pelaxana status programs that run outside the chain;
  • Resolve disputes at a cost that can be ignored on the blockchain.
In fact, spending off-chain calculations with Cartesi brings several benefits beyond scalability. DApp developers can use programming languages, tools, libraries, software, and services they already know!
Off-chain calculations are performed by Cartesi nodes representing each of the interested blowns. The nodes in the system menu are systems based on the RISC-V architecture, under the Linux operating system. Is a determinist with the emulator design, which means it doesn't matter if the Cartesi node goes down Intel or AMD, Linux or Windows, mobile or desktop, starting from the status machine itself aloud using the initial engine itself.
The party involved in the contract or performs off-chain day calculations, if some of the debates are not regulated by a particular machine sent from another party, the case goes to "court", diif verifan (similar to Truebit). At the end of the game, a party with a just cause is compensated while a party with bad behavior agrees.

Cartesi is a Blockchain based platform or more precisely a second layer platform that carries out its functions for the development and deployment of DAaps that can be scaled up according to developer needs. where Cartesi will provide one of the Hybrid DAaps, so that it will be equipped with two components at once, namely the Blockchain and off-chain components. Later the Off-chain component will allow to process all data or DAaps sent by other parties to Cartes DAaps. Later a number of calculations that can be produced will be processed through the Cartesi node, because Cartesi will use the LINUX operating system which will operate on the determanistic RISC-V. So the Cartesian node will interact with a special machine from Cartesis to be able to define all calculations correctly through Blockchain technology. After successfully entering into the Blockchain technology, DAaps Cartesi will automatically carry out off-chain calculations that can be reproduced again to be operated on off-chain in a larger amount of data. Although all the development processes are rather difficult, but Cartesi has succeeded in proving that he can be a bridge for technology developers to give birth to their dream DAaps.

Although off-chain calculations are in no way supported by Blockchain technology, it cannot be denied that calculations carried out by relying on off-chain components can provide many benefits for scalability. This is because by relying on off-chain components, Cartesi can give all users the freedom to use the programming languages, tools, libraries, software, and services that they normally use freely. So the existence of off-chain components will make it easier for users to give birth to different DAaps and have decent drinking properties.

The services provided by Cartesi for development are certainly very different from the services provided by Blockchain technology. This can be proven by the restrictions regarding the use of programming languages, tools, tools, services and libraries for developers. So users cannot send DAaps to their liking, even if they do, users must follow the policies set. Because of that for those of you who want to develop reliably, you can count on Cartesi

Game to verify the weight that is rejected by falling blockchain. The complexity of space and time is the order of the original logarithm of calculations agreed upon by the  year calculations made by supercomputers will not require more than a few hundred operations on the blockchain. At the other end, the loose node involved in the dispute experience is at most twice the amount required by the original calculation. This is for commercial, specifically for blockchain. On the day we realize that disputes will appear very rare, we see that Cartesi actually eliminates in the computing power of storage days between smart counters of modern day computer programs.
Stay here! There are many lies to the Cartesian technology. In terms of application, Cartesi can only be developed with developer promotion. We believe that Cartesi has real potential to revolutionize the blockchain with a basic foundation for new applications and decentralized services. Let's look at some examples of industry change.
  • Blockchain. Cartesi tries the essence of Layer-2 scalability solution. Smart contracts can make heavy off-the-chain lifts and completed in-chains. Developers only need a little preparation to prepare a dapp measured over Cartesi via a simple API.
  • Science, health and more. A super computer without trust that uses unlimited computer idle power. Millions of computers sit idle and their compilation cannot be used to benefit science and society. Cartesi allows individuals to obtain tokens for purchasing their power computers in a safe, efficient and accessible manner at a cost that can be ignored. All while helping the world find a cure to overcome, solve serious scientific problems, or help search for extraterrestrial life! Interesting news came for this for our MVP.
  • Computer science. Unreliable market for AI and computing tasks. With the power of automated decentralized verification Cartesi, developers will be able to create services that allow new DApps to outsource the day defining jobs. This includes machine learning, data analysis, or intensive tasks required by experts in the field. All without the need for trust between the parties or rely on. It will be launched for lower-cost AI, developed by outsourced bot day experts.
  • Finance: Futures & Insurance Markets. Cartesi will be able to read the contents of several blockchains applications. This will allow for smart cons that is needed on other existing smart counter information. The main application is interoperability between blockchain and services such as the Prime market and insurance.
  • Web 3.0. Within the heels of the Cartesi road, we set up  a  network   port that can be   played back. This port will allow Cartesi to resolve disputes about calculations that use network connections. Decentralized services will be simpler, paving the way for a truly decentralized Internet menu.
  • Cartesi is indispensable for oracle solutions     related to large and complex data. DApps can be resolved disputes about intensive calculations carried out on large amounts given the externality that the blockchain does not have access. High costs, it is not feasible to store tons of data directly on the blockchain is no longer needed and full access to the real world is at your fingertips.
We strongly believe that real-world decentralized applications cannot be built without consensus among real-world operating systems that use real-world devices in an unreliable environment. This is the essence of what Cartesi has to offer.

How Cartesi is Involved

Through alliances like this and the release of our upcoming tower defense DApp, we want to show what can be done with Cartesi so that all members who develop new DApps can benefit.

Cartesi bridges the gap between blockchains (starting with Ethereum) and full operational systems, not only increasing computational scalability but also allowing veteran developers to start using their normal daily stack of software to create a much broader DApps array.


The current need as far as blockchain calculations are concerned is to create a network that ensures the scalability of all types of calculations. It is also important to point out that platform and blockchain network scalability is part of the reason why a stronger Decentralized Application (DApps) can be developed.

That is on the premise of market needs and efforts to meet the requirements for a fully scalable environment launched by the Cartesi blockchain. Here are some properties that make it one of the best blockchain networks you will ever meet.


Ideally, successful scaling of DApps on blockchain networks is associated with the feasibility of Layer-1 and Layer-2 scalability solutions. The Layer-1 scalability solution is designed to support implementation of tools that can be scaled at the base-level protocol of the blockchain network.


On the other hand, Layer-2 scalability solutions are designed to work side by side with smart contract technology. That, in turn, helps in strengthening the movement of a lot of data and computing that is not chained.

Therefore, it can be emphasized that the role of Layer-1 and Layer-2 Scalability Solutions is to promote as much exchange and scalability as they can. That's not all there is to running successful development and delegation of Decentralized Applications (DApps) through blockchain technology. It facilitates the provision of more features, which are combined to make Cartesi blockchain one of the best platforms for the development of DApps.

Dispute resolution

You cannot rule out disputes because of the development and delegation of Decentralized Application (DApps). That is why the Cartesi blockchain has created the right ecosystem for DApps developers to resolve disputes in real time. In addition, dispute resolution arising from calculations is carried out at a cost that can be ignored on the blockchain network.

The road to our MVP

Reproductive Cartesi

is a sophisticated VM determinant. This allows smart contracts to determine complex computing that is run off-chain on a Linux OS in a way that can be reproduced.


Cartesi's complete core allows these complex calculations to be decided for the truth on the blockchain, at a cost that can be ignored, in a safe and decentralized way. Cartesi


will publish and manage open source SDKs for world use. Create your own decentralized application without knowledge of the language of the blockchain and spread it to the growing network of Cartesi Nodes.

Cartesi Team
Erick de MouraChief Executive Officer
Augusto Teixeira, PhD Head of Scientific Staff
Diego Nehab, PhD
Chief of Staff Technology Chief Operating OfficerColin Steil
Marco Mirabella, Head of Business Development
Danilo Tuler Chief of Engineering
Engineer Blockchainel Argento
Software Engineer Carlo Fragni
Victor FuscoSenior Software Engineer
Stephen Chen Software Engineer
Serguei Popov, PhDCo-FounderProfessional Advisor at City
Stas Oskin Senior SeniorCore Advisor Dev & Bus Dev of
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, PhDCo-Founder of
the Lua
WilliamGeneral Managing Director at Stas Oskin City Senior Senior Advisor Dev & Bus Dev of
Wings. - founder of Wings Co-founder Cripti
Managing Director Michael Hwang, Board Member of Big Bang Angels, Across Asia Alliance

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Ethereum address: 0xA1CA9F6B4FdaD3d13f50A2b48B393f9D2E09919a


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