
Magicbalancer - Magic DeFi Platform for Governance of Deflation


Decentralized Finance is a topic of conversation because of the innovative character of its services which are inclusive (everyone can get the same service, without minimum transactions), open source (transparent, everyone can contribute), non-custodial (service providers do not store data and do not have access to funds from customers) and does not have an intermediary because it is regulated by a smart contract so that it saves a lot of costs and has very flexible space in determining interest rates for both lenders and lenders.

What is a Magic Balancer?

Magic Balancer is a deflationary governance DEFI token that rewards active users via a smart contract protocol, while seamlessly integrating transaction rewards with the liquidity rebalancing feature.

MGB tokens are designed to be sustainable and maximize their value by actually deflating and encouraging users to be active while offering great rewards. Each MGB allocated reward token never jeopardizes the entire supply, which means that MGB token growth will never be difficult. Every Magic Balancer protocol is created to be 100% distrustful and requires no human intervention to operate. This ensures that all Magic Balancer protocols can run forever and will never be disabled by human intervention. It also means that you, as the token holder, don't have to trust anyone for any reason. The only thing you can trust in the crypto space is the code, it never lies,

The best crypto projects are those that provide 100% unreliable protocols and attest to this fact with complete code transparency. This is what Magic Balancer has to offer, it is our core belief and the only way to release a protocol.

Magic Balancer ensures that the cost per refill continues to increase in value. This is done by temporarily removing a portion of the liquidity from the MGB / ETH pair, buying the MGB market with ETH, and then burning all the remaining MGB. Basically, the balance of the Uniswap MGB / ETH pair is being restored and the MGB value is increasing relative to ETH.

The MGB token comes from the community and is a flexible community driven project and future community governance can only be achieved through voting.

Balancing Features 

Vital Records:

  • 0 Swap fees.
  • % 2 amount of slippage required.
  • Built in 90 days LP lock, read "get user key" function then enter MGB contract address and click query for LP unlock time.
  • Flashloan and Flashswap are protected, designed for user interaction only.

No liquidity required for functionality.

  • Governance
  • Proposal di Snapshot
  • The MGB token comes from the community and is a flexible project driven by the community. MGB is a community governance token, and future community governance can only be achieved through an MGB vote.

Recommended process for initiating a proposal:

  • Put the draft proposal on our Telegram group chat.
  • Do off-chain exploration after going through the discussion.
  • Publish proposals on the gevernance forum and revise their content.
  • Create governance contracts and campaigns to get votes in the MGB community.
  • Treasury Liquidity
  • MGB liquidity is collected via pre-sale and if the hardcap reaches (150ETH) it amounts to around 105 ETH (% 70).
  • 0% of any amount collected in the pre-sale is automatically sent to the contract address.

Use the createUniswapPair developer function and register MGB tokens on uniswap with the liquidity collected. The LP token will replenish the LP token in addition to the MGB contract to ensure that the rebalancing function will continue to function for a certain period of time.

  • Rebalance
    Each $ MGB token price rebalance can go up to% 2. This can happen every hour up to 24 times a day! After 1 week Presale expires $ 1 MGB worth of $ 4000 for this mechanism.
  • Exchange
    Exchange is an automated market maker (“AMM”) that allows two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Mainnet.

  • ETH ~ BSC Bridge Mechanism that allows token exchange between cross chains without impermanent losses.


Starting in March. 2rd at 19:00 UTC. No need for a whitelist.

Held directly on, to participate simply connect your Metamask, enter the amount of ETH you want to send and click buy. MGB tokens will be returned immediately via our pre-sale contract. Metamask is preferred, don't use an exchange account.

No min, 3 ETH - 30 BNB Max buy.

10% referral prize is distributed instantly via a pre-sale contract. Click the REFERAL button in the Presale section and copy your referral link (required to connect to the wallet)

Tokenomics for ETH Chain

300,000 MGB - Total Supply
150,000 MGB - Pre-Sales
85,000 MGB - Initial Liquidity
35,000 MGB - Marketing, Promotion and Community Engagement.
30,000 MGB -
Presale Team Tokens - 1 ETH = 999 MGB ($ 1.5)
Presale Max Buy = 3 ETH ($ 4,500)
Early Enrollment - 1 ETH = 799 MGB ($ 1.88) ~ 25% higher than presale
Hardcap = 30 ETH ($ 45,000)
70% ETH (21 ETH - $ 31,500) is reserved for liquidity.
20% ETH (6 ETH - $ 9,000) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex lists and expansion teams.
10% ETH (3 ETH - $ 4,500) pre-sale referral reward.
based on ETH price of $ 1500.00 Tokenomics for BSC
300,000 MGB - Total Supply
150,000 MGB - Presale
85,000 MGB - Initial Liquidity
35,000 MGB - Marketing, Promotion and Community Engagement.
30,000 MGB -
Presale Token Team - 1 BNB = 99 MGB ($ 2.5)
Presale Max Buy = 30 BNB ($ 7,500) ~ No min
Initial Listing amount - 1 BNB = 79 MGB ($ 3.16) ~% 25 higher than
presale Presale Hardcap = 300 BNB ($ 75,000)
70% BNB (210BNB - $ 52,500) reserved for liquidity.
20% BNB (60 BNB - $ 15,000) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex lists and expansion teams.
10% BNB (30 BNB - $ 7,500) pre-sale referral reward.
based on BNB price of $ 250.00
Magic Balancer Community Official  Site:
Telegram:  https: // t. me / magicbalancer
Github:  https: // github .com / magicbalancer
Governance :

by ;Gresikz


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