
Showing posts from April, 2022


  Aufin Protocol a very powerful way to increase profits  Preview These are decentralized financial instruments, also known as digital assets, which were created to allow investors to increase their money while they sleep.  The Aufin protocol will use blockchain technology to perform fully automated crypto investment actions.  It will be a source of passive income for any investor looking for daily profit as well as long term asset growth. Aufin crypto auto staking and compounding defi protocol is a cryptocurrency platform that can help people make a lot of money in the future just by joining the project. Aufin crypto auto staking and compounding defi protocol is a cryptocurrency platform that can help people make a lot of money in the future just by joining the project. AUFIN CONTRIBUTION TO DEFI MATTERS The Aufin protocol is a new crypto staking and compounding defi protocol used by all financial products developed on the Aufin platform.  The system is built around smart contracts an


DEFIGO NETWORK Platform WEBSITE |  TWITTER |  FACEBOOK |  TELEGRAM |  REFERENCE BOT Exchange coins between blockchains in seconds, manage your assets without paying commissions and earn passive income up to 3.67% daily, invite friends and earn more ️ AUTO Just hold on to your assets and earn up to 3.67% every day ️ DEFIDEX SWAP  Every holder who has at least 1,000,000 DFT in their address will receive various tokens which will be exchanged on our exclusive DeFidex Swap exchange ️ DEFIGO PRE-SALE  DefiGo (_$DFT_) has a unique burn event built in where tokens are burned hourly until their price reaches $0.005 per one DFT ️ REFERRAL CAMPAIGN Register and receive a welcome gift of 20,000 DFT + 10,000 DFT for each referral AUTOMATIC Just hold on to your assets and earn up to 3.67% every day DEFIDEX SWAP DeFidex Swap is different from others in that it is the first exchange that will charge a minimum commission of 1% only in project tokens to be exchanged Every holder who has at least 1,000,


Aeterna Our Eco-System launch plan is very simple and easy. Aeterna platform starts with future progress, Aeterna aims to add other blockchain options to choose from to provide versatility in this platform.   In addition, the team is driving extensive experimentation on our platform to bring out the best in our Aeterna.   To find out more about this, visit our website to learn about the technicalities of this project in our whitepaper.   Aeterna is a unique De-Fi ecosystem that offers multiple ways to generate wealth and navigate a confusing decentralized world. Aeterna has made sure to have a team that shares the same values ​​as we did with Aeterna to achieve the best possible performance for the user base.   The company strives to provide the best user experience.   A fast, reliable and easy-to-use platform that offers the best financial capabilities to manage funds intelligently while being a user-friendly platform.   Aeterna aims to make this platform a decentralized auto-staking


  Darth — Crypto's Most Powerful Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol About Darth DARTH redefines DeFi with the Darth Autostaking Protocol (DAP) delivering high business APY, clockwork profit rebasing, and a direct-to-earn buying framework that grows your portfolio in your wallet, fast.   DARTH provides a decentralized monetary resource in which financial backers are compensated with dividends that multiply using the restrictive DARTH convention.   DARTH is an organization centered around DeFi development that provides benefits and incentives for darth token holders The DARTH Auto-Staking Protocol is a monetary convention that makes tagging simpler and more productive and provides stable crypto returns to $DARTH token holders.   Darth has a decent APY in the 383,000% crypto space. Decentralized finance or DeFi caused a revolution in the financial industry.   Crypto holders can lock or stake their tokens on DeFi websites and receive interest rates that most find impossible.


 Stormyield - APY's Next Generation Crypto Yield Log Remains Highest in Crypto What are DAOs? A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an organization designed to be automated and decentralized.   They operate as a type of venture capital fund, based on open source code and without a centralized management structure. All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain.   It is in the interests of DAO members - if properly respected - to be heard and acted upon.   Therefore, DAOs are transparent and, in theory, indestructible.   All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain. Set APY.   calculation "Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe."   - Albert Einstein APY stands for Annual Percentage Rate.   It measures the real rate of return on your principal taking into account the compounding effect. In StormYield Finance, the $STU token represents your principal and compound interest is adde