
 Stormyield - APY's Next Generation Crypto Yield Log Remains Highest in Crypto

What are DAOs?

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an organization designed to be automated and decentralized. They operate as a type of venture capital fund, based on open source code and without a centralized management structure.

All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain. It is in the interests of DAO members - if properly respected - to be heard and acted upon. Therefore, DAOs are transparent and, in theory, indestructible. All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain.

Set APY. calculation

"Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe." - Albert Einstein

APY stands for Annual Percentage Rate. It measures the real rate of return on your principal taking into account the compounding effect.

In StormYield Finance, the $STU token represents your principal and compound interest is added periodically to each Rebase event (every 5 minutes).


Simple formula and interest calculation:

A = Final Investment Value, using a simple interest formula: A = P (1 + rt) where P is Principal Amount Invested at R% Interest Per Period for t Number of Periods. Where r is in decimal form; r = R / 100; r and t in the same unit of time.

The cumulative amount of the investment is the initial principal P plus the accumulated simple interest, I = Prt, so we get:

A = P + I = P + (Prt), and finally A = P (1 + rt)

Calculate the total amount to be paid (principal + interest), solve A

A = P (1 + rt)

Count the principal, satisfied with P

P = A / (1 + rt)

Calculate the interest rate as a decimal, solve for r

r = (1 / t) (A / P - 1)

Calculate interest as a percentage

R = r * 100

Count time, solve for t

t = (1 / r) (A / P - 1)

For example:

P = (Principle + Interest) = $1,000

A = (Total Accumulated Amount) = 6,692,126.2 USD

Long Term Interest Cycle (LIC)

To maintain sustainability and future growth, STY Finance has introduced the Long-term Interest Cycle (LIC) feature, which allows $STY token holders to enjoy perpetual compound interest.

Each Flower Cycle is 5 minutes long and is referred to as an EPOCH.

There are 105,120 EPOCHs in 1 year.

EPOCH 1–105,120: 0.00838% per EPOCH (First 12 Months)

EPOCH 105120-157,680: 0.00066% every EPOCH (6 months ahead)

EPOCH 157,680: 0.00006% every EPOCH (Forever until maximum supply is reached)


Road Map & Year 2022

Website Development

Official White Paper Documentation

Smrt . Contract Deployment

dApp V1 Dashboard Test Net

Solid Evidence Audit

RugDog KYC

Mainnet Dashboard dApp V1

Discord, Twitter, Telegram Building Community

PR Marketing

Bounty Campaign

Pre-Launch Marketing

Fair Launch at PinkSale

20-year Locked Liquidity BY PINKLOCK

Twitter — Youtube Marketing Campaign

Register CoinMarketCap

Certificate Application

Daftar CoinGecko

List of DappRadar

Audit Certik

Airdrop Campaign

5,000 Token Holders

10,000 Token Holders

15,000 Token Holders

STY DAO (in May)

20,000 Token Holders

50,000 Token Holders

Upgrade Dashboard dApp V2


Cross Chain Integration

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by ;Paaula



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