Real estate companies are forced to embrace online business models in order to stay in business

The exchange of goods dates back to the Stone Age, when the division of labor emerged. As civilization developed, the monetary system changed. People minted coins from gold, silver and other metals. But the reserve of these resources is limited. And wars and other large-scale crises greatly devalue the currency. Paper money has emerged to replace coins made of precious metals. As long as their release is provided with state resources, there are no problems. They appear when the face value starts to differ from what it actually is. Such money is even given a separate name — fiat currency. What's that? In Latin, the word "fiat" means a decree, a decree. Literal translation: "So be it." Fiat money is currency that the government views as the only legal tender. Their intrinsic value is very small or non-existent. Today, most banknotes are fiat, including the US dollar. Its value is guaranteed by state authorities. Fiat currency is not linked to gold. He was given nothing at all. And here I will start my story about the PMXX project, which is backed by gold and metals.
DuDe Coin is a new cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, DuDe Coin is not controlled by a central authority. Instead, it is PEOPLE'S MONEY that the crowd supports. DuDe Coin also differs from other cryptocurrencies in that it uses a unique algorithm that makes mining difficult. As a result, DuDe Coin is rarer and potentially more valuable than other cryptocurrencies.

About investment instruments
Every novice investor, having determined his investment goals, thinks about how to structure his portfolio in such a way that it meets his needs. There are a large number of financial instruments on the market, and the issue of proper portfolio structuring is more relevant than ever. And here it is worth thinking about: what do we need to get a safe and reliable investment instrument? And how great it is at the same time to have a positive impact on other people's lives! Investors buy investment instruments to increase their capital. This is their main goal. Also, the goal may be simply to receive passive income in the form of interest. Currently, it is necessary to seriously understand and study aspects such as: volatility, because it is the most important financial indicator and concept in financial risk management, where it is a measure of the risk of using financial instruments for a certain period of time. The rate of inflation also needs to be studied, because inflation is a steady increase in the general price level and indicates the rate of depreciation of money. Excessive regulation also needs to be considered, because although this action is to protect investors, it is often the opposite. All of these aspects ultimately increase income inequality. That's why I want to tell you about the PMXX project

What is PMXX?
The most empowering thing you can give someone is hope and choice.
Through public money, we give you hope and financial freedom with PMXX, MBMX, DuDe and MoneyWithoutBorders.
The PMXX People's Money Project (money backed by metals) is backed by gold and platinum, which is a natural progression in the evolution of money. Thus, PMXX users have access to assets with a shortage of gold (and platinum) and price stability, but with the efficiency of digital PMXX transactions — a unique combination of financial functions. Each of us wants to have a reliable and reliable investment tool. Also, I think hardly anyone would mind having a positive impact on other people's lives in some way.
Unfortunately, most financial instruments and investment mechanisms are subject to volatility, inflation, over-regulation and, ultimately, increased income inequality.
This is what the People's Money project team thought and decided to provide all of us with a safe and predictable way to improve our financial well-being. Most importantly, PMXX is not only an investment, but also our savings account!
In addition, you create personal wealth while making a positive impact on disadvantaged children and poor mining communities around the world.
What does the People's Money PMXX project offer us?
With PMXX People's Money, everything is simple! This project has a very simple and clear concept! PMXX People's Money is digital money. In a decentralized network, all actions are performed and controlled by ordinary people, completely excluding third parties. The People's Money Ecosystem is built on the Polygon blockchain, which enables decentralized transactions. All payments are made in a peer-to-peer network. No third party is required to act as an intermediary. MBMX is your ATM and payment system! Every completed transaction is processed, confirmed and protected by the Polygon network. In addition, only 10 million PMXX tokens will be minted. This limited stock ensures that it cannot be overstated!

The essence of the PMXX project:
The PMXX Metal Backed Money platform runs on the Polygon blockchain technology which enables liquidity, financial leverage and decentralized transactions.
Transactions are peer-to-peer, not involving third parties.
Utilize safe-haven precious metals, Gold and Platinum, as a store of value.
The value is directly related to the price of Gold and Platinum.
Only 10 Million coins will be minted.
Their precious metal mineral rights (Texas Mine K-150) are worth $7.8 billion.
Built-in Stop-Loss Algorithm
What are PMXX tokens?
Total Exchange Supply:
The total supply is 10,000,000 coins.
Full circulation of the total supply is expected in 2024–2025.
The total supply is distributed through different token exchanges to ensure easier trading. All tokens combined will never exceed the total limit of 10 Million tokens.
Built-in Stop-Loss Algorithm
PMXX Built-in Stop-Loss Algorithm
The PMXX Built-In Stop-Loss Algorithm is now running.
The Stop-Loss Algorithm will never drop below 500 million USD per 10 million PMXX minted, equivalent to approximately 7% of all existing Gold & Platinum assets in the Texas K-150 mine.
The mining and amount of Gold & Platinum physical assets will increase as the business grows and more PMXX cryptocurrencies will be traded in the market.
How does PMXX do it?
The PMXX Metal Backed Money platform runs on the Ethereum blockchain technology which enables liquidity, financial leverage and decentralized transactions.
Transactions are peer-to-peer, not involving third parties.
Utilize safe-haven precious metals, Gold and Platinum, as a store of value.
The value is directly related to the price of Gold and Platinum.
Only 10 Million coins will be minted.
Our precious metal mineral rights (Texas Mine K-150) are valued at $7.8 billion.
What is DuDe Coin?
- DuDe Price is ONLY 0.00077–0.0008 USD.
- DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe Coins.
- DuDe will *burn 10% of your DuDe Coins.
- DuDe's growth potential is up 9000% due to tokennomics.
- Get 100 USD worth of DuDe Coins — Keep it for 900 days, then sell it for 90,000 USD.
- And as always, HAVE FUN while doing it!
How Did DuDe Do It?
DuDe People's Money ( runs on Polygon blockchain technology.
Transactions are peer-to-peer, not involving third parties.
1 Trillion (1 000 000 000 000) DuDe Coins have been issued.
DuDe People's Money is all about helping those who are less fortunate. Buy DuDe with ETH to help the World.
DuDe People's Money ( directly supports Afifi Alaouie and the Charitable Organization
Token trading
You will be able to buy and sell PMXX tokens from the People's Money project on the exchange.
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You will be able to exchange PMXX for other cryptocurrencies, as well as for services and goods.
PMXX people's money trading is carried out on the same principles as foreign exchange trading, with a few differences. First, the market does not close because the currency is not dependent on third parties.
PMXX prices may vary, which is reasonable, as prices are determined by supply and demand.
You have complete control over when and how you sell PMXX. It is a digital currency backed by gold, which keeps its price stable. This feature also reduces long-term investment risk. Short-term fluctuations will occur naturally, but are unlikely to have the same volatility as in fiat and other digital currencies.
Total money PMXX people.
The total stock of PMXX is 10,000,000 tokens.
The total offer is distributed across various token exchanges to simplify trading. All tokens combined will never exceed the total amount of 10 million PMXX.
Built-in stop loss algorithm
Built-in PMXX stop loss algorithm
PMXX's built-in stop loss algorithm now works.
The Stop-Loss Algorithm will never fall below $500 million for 10 million PMXX minted, which is equivalent to about 7% of all gold and platinum assets in the deep Texas K-150 mine.
Mining and the amount of physical gold and platinum assets will increase as the business grows, and more PMXX cryptocurrencies will be sold in the market.
Digital PMXX is the only platform that allows PMXX to manage all their properties from one easy-to-use website. It also has many tools to help PMXX track their properties, which gives them a competitive advantage over other PMXXs.
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